december 31st
i was too busy popping bottles of champagne to grab the camera and finish how about this?
i won't stop, i'll keep shotgunning until i've done every can known to man.
in fact i like the sound of that and maybe that will be a new two holes slogan!
"every can known to man"
i think my body has told me not to worry about doing a new can every 24 hours, which is a relief, it makes the idea much more chill and laid back and that's how i'm trying to roll in this new year.
so keeps your eyes peeled for new cans, foreign cans, tequila in a can...whatever it is i'm in. unless it's jenkem in a can.
and if i pass through your town or you pass through mine, lets hang out and have some fun!
Friday, December 31, 2010
Thursday, December 30, 2010
tallgrass oasis (16oz)
december 30th
another gem from the tallgrass brewing company they will always be special to me because even though they make amazing craft beer that is meant to be enjoyed at a slower pace, they understand that in america we have the right to enjoy tasty canned brews however we damn well please.

Wednesday, December 29, 2010
mgd light (12oz)
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
pimm's & lemonade (8.45oz)
Monday, December 27, 2010
brewer's art resurrection (12oz)
december 27th
a great craft beer that i was psyched to find while on a brief stop in delaware. shotgunning this made me forget the nightmare and pain of picking up the slack from new york city's sanitation department and their lack of ability to deal with large amounts of snow.
it's always exciting when you find a new 12oz can instead of a new 24oz can, although i would like to track down a few more 32oz's or bigger someday soon.

Sunday, December 26, 2010
the club: manhattan (6.75oz)
december 26th
i was saving this can specifically for shotgunning in manhattan, however we were only there for a short time because we didn't want to get stuck in the snow. we made it to sunset park and then happily got stuck with friends there! everyone that passed me while i was shotgunning was very supportive and it made me miss the great city of new york. the club is a great idea and i hope to find all the varieties to shotgun someday.

Saturday, December 25, 2010
tallgrass ale (16oz)
december 25th
the best christmas present anyone could ask! and good beer at that. has a bit of a toffee taste and makes you want to dance when the last of it crosses your tongue. i hope everyone had some wonderful holidays.
Friday, December 24, 2010
honey brown (24oz)
Thursday, December 23, 2010
floppin' crappie ale (12oz)
december 23rd
a well designed can sent all the way from wisconsin. a huge thanks to melanie and andy for sending me a can from their hometown! and thanks to northwoods brewing corp for brewing this floppin' crappie ale. they seem to have a great selection of beers and i would love to track down everything they've got in a can at some point. check out andy's band purge the woods, i was unfamiliar with them when i shotgunned this otherwise i would have turned off tenement and got down with the grind

Wednesday, December 22, 2010
tecate (24oz)
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
ic light (12oz)
december 21st
mike always comes through with some stuff i've never heard of before...and he's from ny! wtf! i've had iron city before and it makes sense that a light version exists, but i can honestly say that i've never seen this ic light before. apparently they also brew something called augustiner, does anyone know if it comes in a can and where to get one?

Monday, December 20, 2010
oberon (16oz)
december 20th
that's right...cans from across the world, i have hopes that someday i will have shotgunned one of every can that has been released since 2009. keep your eyes peeled for new and exciting beverages and if you see a can that you don't think i can handle, please challenge me so i can prove you wrong.

Sunday, December 19, 2010
stack (24oz)
december 19th
i had been holding the stack can off for awhile, i have to admit i was worried that i wouldn't be able to keep it down (ryan was confident from the get go, in fact he thoroughly enjoys a can of stack on the regular) in the end it wasn't a bad experience at all, in fact the stack gave me quite a boost for awhile and then i passed out on the couch and don't remember opening or stealing christmas gifts at all.

Saturday, December 18, 2010
lone star (16oz)
december 18th
hell yeah, lew comes through with another tasty texas can! i appreciate beautiful cans and the fact that is limited edition makes it look even better on the shelf. so now that lone star is done...who's got a can of lone star light lying around?

Friday, December 17, 2010
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
caldera pale ale(12oz)
i think i recorded over this shotgun. i hate when i do that! i can assure you that it was a sweet video and it gave lots of praise to this delectable caldera brew

Tuesday, December 14, 2010
bavaria (16oz)
Monday, December 13, 2010
cascade pale ale (12oz)
december 13th
steven's point brewery does it again! another tasty can that i am proud to be able to shotgun. now i do tend towards ipa's but this is a great example of an american pale ale for sure.

Sunday, December 12, 2010
pearl (12oz)
Saturday, December 11, 2010
lomza (12oz)
Friday, December 10, 2010
beerlao (12oz)
Thursday, December 9, 2010
zlaty hrad (16oz)
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
gennesee ice (24oz)
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
lionshead light (16oz)
december 7th
sometimes i wish i could shotgun a light version and regular version of the same beer one after another to taste if there is a drastic difference even at a quick pace. however, that was not the case this time and i have to say, and maybe it was just the right time and place, but i enjoyed this light version of lionshead.

Monday, December 6, 2010
baltika 9 (16oz)
Sunday, December 5, 2010
michelob ultra lime cactus (12oz)
Saturday, December 4, 2010
Friday, December 3, 2010
hollandia (16oz)
december 3rd
this is something that used to $.50 a can in brooklyn, i guess now it's considered fancier, either that or the bodega we always got it from had a bunch of cans that "fell off the truck" pretty good brew nonetheless.
the gentleman i am shotgunning next to is a work by stuart dumais, you can catch his show at studio 23 through december 30th

Thursday, December 2, 2010
euphoria pale ale (12oz)
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
polar beer (16oz)
december 1st
the final countdown. one month to go. today's can comes all the way from iceland, and it has an interesting history that i just learned of. apparently beer was banned in iceland until march 1st, 1989 (too bad i didn't have this can or information by march 1st this year!) but polar beer was brewed under a special license, specifically for british troops that were in iceland during ww II. march 1st is now beer day in iceland and i am going to do my best to be there shotgunning one of these upcoming beer days.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010
karpackie mocne (16oz)
Monday, November 29, 2010
rheingold (12oz)
november 29th
now i have to admit that even though i know of the connection between rheingold and new york...for the 8 years i was in brooklyn i didn't see it around too often. and it's not like i tried to avoid it, in fact i enjoy a rheingold from time to time. it's so dry...extra dry even
maybe one day i'll be miss rheingold

Sunday, November 28, 2010
ten fidy (12oz)
november 28th
so good! it's like shotgunning chocolate or something. goes down smooth and easy.
thanks oskar blues i can now say i have shotgunned every one of your canned brews

Saturday, November 27, 2010
point special lager (12oz)
november 27th
another one of the cans that stevens point brewery sent, i think it's awesome that i happened upon the cans of nude beach so shortly after receiving the other cans from them. it's been a point brewery kinda month!

Friday, November 26, 2010
yuengling black & tan (12oz)
Thursday, November 25, 2010
the club: long island iced tea (6.75oz)
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
point nude beach (12oz)
november 24th
it was so good to go back to long island and see friends! i had found a 12pack of nude beach at eagle provisions in brooklyn on my way out, so we decided to crack it and next thing we knew, there were only three left so we decided to shotgun them. a big thanks to chris and alyssa for being awesome, i wish them a long happy life together and am looking forward to being friends with them forever. chris' can bit his lip...always a risk when shotgunning, look out!

Tuesday, November 23, 2010
penn's best na (12oz)
Monday, November 22, 2010
the club: margarita (6.75oz)
november 22nd
liquor's in it! margarita in a can? sign me up! i had never seen "the club" before...but i'm so into it. a big thanks to kaycie's mom for bringing up a few cans. i started it off with the margarita (the lowest alcohol content of the three) to make sure i could handle the club. up next is the long island iced tea, followed by the manhattan.
this stuff comes in more varieties than one might expect.
i hope to have shotgunned at least one of each someday
keep your eyes out for these:
Censored on the Beach
Gin Martini
Pina Colada
Vodka Martini
Whiskey Sour

Sunday, November 21, 2010
o'douls (12oz)
november 21st
i had never heard of fizzball before moving to richmond, everything i learned about fizzball...i learned from leo heinzel. originally, i believe, this game was played with soda or pop, but this time around we went with non-alcoholic beer. at the time, i was running low on cans to make it through the year and just my luck, odoul's only comes in 12 packs! what better use for 11 cans of o'douls than fizzball?

fizzball is played sometime between 2:33 and 5:00 on the 3rd sunday of every november at chimborazo playground.
see you there!
Saturday, November 20, 2010
point classic amber (12oz)
november 20th
who is the best brewery ever? that would have to be stevens point brewery because they hooked me up with a wonderful variety of canned beer that they hand crafted just for me! first up was the point classic amber, the darkly lit, loud gallery didn't do the can justice, it's a nice looking can that had a superb snap when opened and it finished with a crisp, clean aftertaste. thank to stevens point for sending this and thanks to positiveland for making me feel killer about myself and my shotgun project.

Friday, November 19, 2010
Thursday, November 18, 2010
budweiser & clamato (16oz)
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
joose: kiwi strawberry (23.5oz)
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
fireside chat (12oz)
november 16th
this is what happens (and it has happened a few times this year) when you hand someone the camera after you had already hit the record button. they hit the record button themselves which turns the camera off. i'm looking into getting a picture or two that were taken of this shotgun experience.

Monday, November 15, 2010
tilt: green (24oz)
Sunday, November 14, 2010
blackthorn cider (16.9oz)
Saturday, November 13, 2010
mike's hard black cherry lemonade (16oz)
november 13th
i got pretty lazy about editing this one so it's pretty raw. i had a great day on this particular saturday. again...a big shout out to the rota kids for putting together a sweet ride/race!

Friday, November 12, 2010
o'fallon wheach (12oz)
november 12th
i was worried that this was gonna be gross like a sam adams cherry wheat...but i was wrong, it was great. there wasn't an overpowering peach taste, just a nice light overtone. i'm sure o'fallon brewery has got to have a few more brews in cans, hopefully i can get my hands on them!

Thursday, November 11, 2010
core: strawberry lemonade (23.5oz)
november 11th
this stuff is hard to find. it was around for a week or two and then it disappeared. luckily i had one to stashed away to shotgun.

WHOA WHOA WHOA! i apoligize to all my fans, i've been duped! strawberry lemonade core does not have caffeine or taurine or guarana or ginseng or damiana or mashmallow! apparently the strawberry lemonade, spiked punch and triple berry (which i've never even seen) are all stimulant free.
check it out:

Wednesday, November 10, 2010
a:m white citrus (12.6oz)
november 10th and flavor in an aluminum bottle. i learned from my last attempt and cracked the top prior to making a shotgun hole. this stuff went down pretty smooth and has an interesting sweet vanilla taste. i'd like to come across the black raspberry flavor someday. their website doesn't seem to work so here is their facebook

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